- West door.
- Halkerston tower.
- Bride’s door.
- Holy water stoup.
- Trefoil niche for relic.
- Statue of St John the Baptist.
- First World War Shrine
- Madonna candelabra, pre-Reformation.
- Mercer vault.
- Tapestry.
- Guildry pews.
- Pulpit.
- Vestry/Organ.
- Toumai slab.
- Holy water stoup.
- Bells, pre-Reformation.
- Church plate.
- Fullar pillar band.
- Communion cups.
- Holy water stoup.
- Organ console.
- Council pews.
- Communion table.
- Aumbrey, or wall press.
- Access stair to tower.
A. The Choir.
B. The John Knox Chapel.
C. The North Choir Aisle.
D. The South Choir Aisle.
E. The Crossing.
F. The South Transept.
G. The North Transept.
H. The War Memorial Chapel.
I. The Nave.
J. The Halkerston Tower.
K. The West Front.
L. The South Flank of the Nave.
M. The South Transept and South Flank of the Choir.
N. The Tower and Spire.
O. The North Flank of the Choir and the North Transept.
P. The North Flank of the Nave and the Halkerston Tower.